With decades of experience adeptly guiding clients and a record of recovering billions of dollars for them, we’re the lawyers to call when companies face significant liabilities allegedly caused by their products or work. We’ll move quickly to procure coverage for your defense costs and work with you and your insurers to ensure that any settlement or judgment entered is ultimately covered.
When our clients’ products or operations have allegedly caused harm, we help protect their interests and their commercial viability by ensuring that they obtain sufficient insurance recovery for claims of bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage. Our lawyers obtain the insurance that companies are owed under commercial general liability, umbrella liability, all-risk, wrap-up, and excess liability policies, among others. In high-stakes, bet-the-company liability cases we craft detailed strategies and plot our course of action step by step to put clients in the best position for full recovery and optimal settlements.
Our lawyers don’t just advise on the law, we make it. When a client sells allegedly defective products, numerous thorny questions often arise. What law should apply? What policies’ coverage obligations are triggered? How should liability be allocated where injuries or damage may be covered under multiple insurance policies? How should deductibles or retentions be applied? Are state consumer fraud claims covered? We have obtained precedent-setting decisions for our clients on these and other complex issues in cases involving numerous insurers and products that have helped our clients forge a path to recovering their significant defense and settlement costs.
Our Inventive Approach
Eliminating surprises. We always work to eliminate the surprise factor for clients by mapping out the issues and charting a course for recovery as soon as coverage issues arise. We explain to our clients the arguments that insurer are likely to make and how we will counter and overcome them. As clients gain a greater understanding of the overarching approach, they frequently offer valuable information and helpful facts that support and strengthen the case as a whole.
Understanding the Venues. Our lawyers have in-depth insight into how various jurisdictions operate and are highly skilled in determining how to shepherd particular cases through the courts that are most likely to produce outcomes favorable to those we represent.
Accommodating Alternatives. Embracing flexibility in payments, we are willing to consider full contingency, partial contingency, and flat-fee arrangements.
Our Strengths
Our team recovers the insurance coverage our commercial clients are due when their products or operations have resulted in liability claims, including:
- Bodily injury
- Property damage
- Personal injury
We have significant experience and ability advocating for our clients on coverage issues involving:
- Allegedly defective work or products
- Class action products liability
- Environmental liability
- Trigger of coverage
- Allocation of liability among multiple insurers
- Application of policy deductibles and retentions in cases involving multiple products or claimants
- Consumer fraud and other statutory claims
- Class action liability